Saint Matthew’s Churches Prayer Letters
![373 Hands Envelope Letter](
Our prayer letters, among many other items of faith, are blessed and prayed over before being sent out to our members. When Saint Matthew’s Churches prayer letters are returned to us, we pray over each letter again. Our prayer Letters are an encouraging biblical point of contact to increase believer’s faith.
Saint Matthew’s accepts prayer letters daily. Each prayer letter is opened, read, and prayed over by our prayer partners. We receive prayer letters for almost everything. Because each letter is important, Saint Matthew’s Churches prays over every letter, no matter how unusual they might be.
We receive prayer letters about marriage, family, broken hearts, schools, and appearances before judges. Some of the interesting prayer letters Saint Matthew’s receives include prayer letters about the internet, unpaid bills, and about needing help in school. Saint Matthew’s Churches welcomes all prayer letters. Some examples of prayer letters we receive quite often are people who want to build their faith in God, one’s who need a blessing in their lives, or individuals who desire to accept Jesus as their personal Savior.
Symbols of Faith
Saint Matthew’s Churches uses Christian symbols of faith, such as the Communion wafer, representing the body of Christ (Matt. 26:26), and the wine (grape juice) received during Communion, representing Christ’s blood (Matt. 26:27,28) which He shed on Calvary for our sins (Mark 23:33). These symbols of faith are used by millions of Christians each Sunday as they celebrate Communion.
The holy water with which we anoint ourselves and make the sign of the cross reminds us of our baptism in water, just as our Lord Himself was baptized by John the Baptist in the River Jordan (Matt. 3:13-17). Jesus set the example of water baptism, and we follow His example as a symbol of our dedication to God. Also, the holy anointing oil is used by many believers, as a symbol of faith, representing God’s Holy Spirit (Mark 6:13, Heb. 1:9, James 5:14). Notably, the crosses that Saint Matthew’s gives away to its members are symbols of Christ’s death on Calvary (Mark 23:33), when He gave his life for our sins. These symbols of faith can help to draw us closer to Jesus and make us more aware of His presence in our lives.
The Principle of Seed Faith
“…For assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you” (Matt. 17:20). “Most certainly I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains by itself alone. But if it dies, it bears much fruit” (John 12:24). “Give, and it shall be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over…” (Luke 6:38).
Jesus is called “The Seed” (Gen. 3:15), the Word of God is designated as “Seed” (Luke 8:11; 1 Peter l:23); the growth of the believer is likened to a plant (John 15), and the evangelism of the world to a harvest (Matt. 13:30). At Saint Matthew’s Churches, we believe that when we sincerely offer God our meager faith, abilities, and strength, a harvest can be forthcoming. Saint Matthew’s also believes that seed faith is within the laws of God’s creation, both the natural and the spiritual realm, thus it is worthy to be applied in practical living.
- God established the Principle of the Seed and the Law of Seedtime and Harvest (Gen. 8:22). To overcome our lack, we must become fruitful. When we become a giver, then we are better able to reach our full potential. As we follow God’s law of seed time, as the Bible teaches, we can have a bountiful harvest
- As we give God our best, then we can expect His best (2 Sam. 24:24). By giving to God first with a generous heart and of our best, then we can experience a harvest from the Lord.
- God is a good God; He desires only His best for us! (Ex. 15:26). God’s goodness is abundantly promised to those who listen and do what He says. When we actively use seed faith, God’s promises can be a reality in our lives.
- God has unlimited resources, and the good news is that He makes them available to us (2 Chr. 25:9). Saint Matthew’s Churches believes that there are no shortages in God’s supply. When we give through seed faith, we put ourselves in a position to flourish.
- God desires biblical abundance for us (John 10:10). Abundance will come as we believe God and line up our highest desires with His.
- God expects us to receive a harvest from our giving. He wants us to expect a miracle return! (Luke 6:38). Our seed faith giving is not a debt we owe, but a seed we sow. Giving and receiving go hand-in-hand.
- God has a due season for all the seeds we plant, good seeds as well as bad seeds (Gal. 6:7-9). Saint Matthew’s believes whether good or bad, the seed we sow can bring a harvest, some sooner and others later.
- Our giving moves God, and opens the windows of heaven for us, and causes the enemy of our soul to be rebuked (Mal. 3:10,11). God invites people to verify His trustworthiness by giving through seed faith.
- All our giving is to be to God, our source (Matt. 25:34-40). As we give to others through seed faith, we look to God and offer it as a service of love to Him.
- We should be wise as to where we plant our seeds of faith. God multiplies seed sown in good soil (Mark 4:1-20). We at Saint Matthew’s, believe all should be responsible to plant seed faith in places where the true work of God is happening.
- God multiplies our seed to more than meet our greatest need (Luke 5:1-11). We have seen firsthand and want others to experience the Lord’s fullest blessings in their lives. God not only multiplies what we give Him through seed faith, but He will be in the very center of our giving – His presence will be felt.
- We need to give what we have in our hand (2 Cor. 9:8-10). God makes peace, satisfaction, and contentedness abound toward us, so we can share seed faith with others.
- We can always give a seed of prayer, a seed of forgiveness, or a seed of love and joy (James 5:15,16). At Saint Matthew’s, we have found that there is always something to give, whether it is prayer, love, or forgiveness, so let’s keep planting seed faith.
- God gave to us first. He is our role model for giving and receiving (John 3:16). God gave sacrificially of His best and gave expecting to receive. We should follow His example and give through seed faith.
![495 Bible Envelopes](
In the first book of the Holy Bible, (Genesis 8:22) God’s Word speaks about sowing seeds and reaping the harvest; the book of Genesis was written thousands of years ago. Throughout the Bible the theme of sowing and reaping is used to show the process of bringing forth new life.
Every living thing including humans come from a planted seed. All the food we eat comes from the harvests that grow from planted seeds. In relatively recent times, psychologists have shown that our very thoughts are analogous to seeds, that the products of our lives are intimately bound up with the thoughts we think. Medical science is currently exploring ways in which our thinking affects our physical health.
Sacred texts are not the only sources showing the relationship between God and human beings. Anthropological, sociological, and other historical literature shows that human beings have had special places of worship almost as long as human beings have been on the planet. Sources abound showing that we humans have honored God with a portion of our possessions and our earnings (or harvests). Honoring God in this way has always been connected with receiving the blessings of God in return.
We have seen a multitude of books written about Seed Faith; it is not a new or novel idea. The principle is taught by every Christian denomination. Many Christians believe and follow the injunction of Jesus recorded in Luke 6.38: “Give, and it shall be given to you.”
There are always going to be people who do not believe in giving to God, or in the principles of sowing and reaping. However, Saint Matthew’s Churches does believe in God’s spiritual, physical, financial, and emotional blessings based on the Holy Scriptures. We preach positive messages to inspire people to have faith in Christ and to believe in His promises. We agree with the writer of Proverbs 23:7, “What a person thinks in their heart, that’s what they become.” If there are those who are unsure about the subject of Seed Faith, study the Holy Scriptures to see what it says about giving to God, and about sowing seeds of faith and reaping a harvest. We have given only a few verses here to strengthen people’s faith, but the Bible is full of examples of seed faith, from the parables of Jesus to the epistles of Paul, and to the early narratives in Genesis.